QC48B2 - 48" Belt Drive 2 speed 1 hp

Fan Motor Pump
Industrial duty galvanized steel frame with high efficiency three blade High Efficiency, totally enclosed 1 hp motor 9.8 amps Submersible, high efficiency, and maintenance free
11,300 cfm low 1/6 hp, 120v, 5 amps
17,600 cfm high

* Housing:  Constructucted of rotomolded corrosion free polyethylene.
* Cooling Media:  6" thick Cross Corrugated angle fluted specially formulated cellulose material treated with a thermosetting resin. (see illustration below)
* Water Supply: Units require only a standard garden hose hook-up with a continuous water source.
* Dimensions:  80" wide, 78" tall, 36" thick
* Base:  A high strength ABS plastic base mounted on 5" casters

Hot, Dryer air blowing through the fan - about to mix with cooling media saturated with water.

Hot dryer air - mixing with water molecules in the cooling media.

Moist, saturated air blowing out of fan - lowering the temperature up to 25 degrees or more.